
Victory Electric’s meters are read and member bills are processed on a monthly basis. Meters are primarily read remotely via radio frequency, but occasionally, meters require manual meter reads or need to be inspected if not transmitting data. It is the responsibility of the member to grant access to the meter location and to arrange for the safety of Victory Electric personnel while they are servicing the meter location. Easy accessibility to the meter at your service is required in order for our employees to do their job safely and efficiently. If you have a guard dog or access to your service is through a locked gate, please make sure that your dog is locked up and the gate is unlocked.

Billing Cycle
The cooperative service area is divided into billing cycles, and each member's meter is read approximately every 30 days. All bills are mailed around the 10th day of the month. This billing date may not be on the exact 10th of each month, as it can fluctuate by a day or two to account for weekends and holidays.


Bill Due Dates
All bills are due the 28th (cycle 3) or the 29th (cycle 1) of every month. If the due date falls on a weekend, holiday or any day other than a regular business day, the bill is due the next business day before 5 p.m.

Avoid penalties by paying your bill on time. If your payment is not processed by 5 p.m., on the due date indicated on your bill, a late charge of 2% per month of the past due amount will be added to the amount of the bill. If you cannot pay your bill by the due date, please call Victory Electric to discuss payment options and payment arrangement eligibility.

Accounts disconnected for non-payment must pay any outstanding past-due balance in full with cash, money order or credit card, and a $40 reconnection  for fee for meters with disconnect features and $200 manual reconnection fee for meters without the disconnect feature, in addition to any outstanding deposit installments. Accounts requiring a manual field service call or reconnection will be charged a $200 reconnection fee. A $30 fee will be imposed for any form of payment that is returned for insufficient funds.

May I change my due date?
At the present time, for a traditional billing plan, your billing cycle/due date is determined by the location of your electric service and you cannot choose your specific due date. Residential members can choose to sign up for or switch to a Prepay Power billing plan, which is a self-managed, pay-as-you-go billing plan with no due dates, no deposits, no late fees, and no disconnect or reconnect charges. Simply pay $50 dollars toward future electricity and then pay as much or as little as you want on an as-needed basis. So you can pick your bill due date! Every day your balance will adjust based on how much electricity you used the previous day and when you have less than $25 left in your account, you will receive a low balance reminder via text message, email or phone call, and you need to think about making a payment. Since you no longer receive a paper bill, your account information is available 24/7 on our online bill payment site or mobile app so it’s easy to access your balance information or make a payment. Visit our Prepay Power page for more information.

Final Billing
When a member calls or stops by the office to request Victory Electric close an account or permanently disconnect service, the cooperative will disconnect service on the date requested by the member and issue a final bill. In addition, a final bill is issued to members who have been disconnected for more than 10 days. Once a final bill is issued, if in the future they re-establish service, the member will be required to create a new account. The final bill includes charges for any outstanding energy use and service availability charges, as well as any other daily charges authorized by the member. Final bills for all accounts are calculated near the 10th day of each calendar month. If a final bill is calculated for an account with a credit balance, the cooperative will issue and mail a check to the member of record. If the final bill is not paid, the balance will be transferred to another active account (if applicable). If member has no other active account, it will be turned over to the cooperative’s collection agency. If in the future, the member establishes another account, he/she will be required to pay any outstanding debt not collected by Victory Electric or our collection agency.