All members of Victory Electric receive a complimentary copy of the Kansas Country Living magazine. Victory Electric employees and trustees often receive questions from members about why they receive the Kansas Country Living magazine. The answer is––the magazine is a benefit to both the cooperative and the entire membership.
The word “membership” helps supply part of the answer. As a member of Victory Electric, you are entitled to certain privileges – those not available to paying customers of investor-owned utilities.
This newsletter is written and created by employees in your local office and is designed to keep you updated on the latest news of the local cooperative, such as annual meeting information, area meetings, youth tour information, outage and construction activities, people who work for you, safety tips, ways to use electricity wisely and announcements, and more.
The main pages of the magazine contain news and interesting features from around Kansas. One of the highlights for many of our members are the delicious recipes that included in every issue.
You can view the past issues of the newsletter in the menu on the right!
If you are interested in advertising, submitting an event to be published, or being a freelance writer, visit If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Victory Electric at