
Tired of writing checks every month? Want to remove another item off your monthly to-do list? Sign up for an automatic payment arrangement to have your electric bill automatically paid directly from your credit/debit card or checking/savings account. All Victory Electric members are eligible to join the program and the service is free. 

  • It’s easy, convenient and fast
  • No waiting in line
  • Saves you time — your monthly payment is processed automatically
  • No postage or check — save the hassle of writing a check every month, paying postage and getting it mailed on time
  • Avoid late payments and past due bills — whether you’re home or away, this service keeps your payments on time since the payments are already scheduled for you
  • Eliminate paperwork — if you choose to go paperless, you produce less paperwork and receive fewer bills in the mail since your bill is emailed each month and accessible through SmartHub
  • Help streamline your finances — especially when you are distracted by other events going on in your life

A no hassle solution for paying your monthly electric bill. AutoPay is a recurring payment program that pays your monthly electric bill directly from the financial institution and account or credit/debit card of your choice on the bill’s due date.

Per normal, you will receive your electric bill on a monthly basis. When enrolled in AutoPay, your statement will display "[$] TO BE DRAFTED ON [DATE]” in the amount due box. You can also can opt for paperless billing and receive your bill electronically. You will receive an email or text message stating the amount due and that your detailed bill is ready to view in SmartHub. With both methods, you will have time, typically a couple weeks, to contact us with any questions or concerns before the amount due is drafted from your account on the due date. Credit/debit card transactions are limited to $2,500.
Note: The biggest advantage to AutoPay is ensuring your bills are consistently paid on time. Victory Electric is not alerted when a member’s bank account or credit/debit card is cancelled, closed or overdrawn. So if you are on bank draft and lack enough money in your account, your bank will refuse payment your account will be subject to late fees and possible disconnection. Similarly, if your credit/debit card is maxed out, canceled or frozen, the card company will reject the charge and your account will be subject to late fees and possible disconnection. However, if you have an email address on file, you will be alerted when your credit/debit card is about to expire, giving you time to update your card information to avoid late fees or disconnection.

AutoPay can be set up from the convenience of your home or office via SmartHub with these simple steps. If you have questions, call or stop by our office and a Victory Electric member service representative will be happy to explain the process. If you prefer not to set up AutoPay through SmartHub, complete this form for bank draft only. For AutoPay via credit/debit card, you must use SmartHub.

Absolutely! If you are not pleased with the AutoPay payment option, give Victory Electric a call or visit SmartHub to cancel. If you should need to temporarily suspend AutoPay, just contact Victory Electric or visit SmartHub prior to the payment date on your bill. You can then pay by cash or check. If your credit/debit card expires, you get a new card, or you change bank accounts, it can easily be changed in SmartHub.

Data breaches make headlines, but online banking and payment systems are no less secure than leaving a check in an envelope in an unguarded mailbox. In fact, your accounts may be better protected through the encryption techniques used to secure members’ information.

Printable AutoPay Information