
When storms hit our area, we rush to your aid as soon as weather conditions allow our lineworkers to travel and make repairs safely.

Victory Electric line crews take necessary precautions before they work on downed power lines and we our proud of our safety record, but sometimes, no matter how many steps we take to keep everyone safe, the very people we are there to help unknowingly put our lives—and their own—in danger.

Generators, widely used when power lines are down, can prove fatal to lineworkers and your neighbors when used improperly. A generator connected to a home’s wiring or plugged into a regular household outlet can cause back feeding along power lines and electrocute anyone who comes in contact with them—even if the line seems dead.  

GenertorSafetyTips.jpgVictory Electric employees are not the only ones in danger when a portable generator is used improperly. Generator owners themselves may be at risk of electrocution, fire injury, property damage, or carbon monoxide poisoning if they do not follow the necessary safety rules.

Generators can be very helpful to consumers during outages. We urge you to follow these safety guidelines when using one:

  • Read and adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for safe operation. Be sure you understand the generator before hooking it up. Never cut corners when it comes to safety!
  • Never connect a generator directly to your home’s wiring unless your home has been wired for generator use. This can cause back feeding along power lines and electrocute anyone coming in contact with them, including lineworkers making repairs. Have a licensed electrician install the equipment necessary to safely connect emergency generators to your home. Properly connecting the generator into the system is a critical step for safe and effective use. A licensed professional should install a permanent, standby electric generator and can help with proper equipment for safely using a portable generator. Have a qualified electrician install a transfer switch. The transfer switch breaks the path of electricity between the power lines and your main electrical panel. This is the best way to protect you, your neighbors and repair crews from "back feed." It is your responsibility to take necessary steps to prevent the injury of anyone near lines, especially crews working to restore power. 

We encourage you to protect the well-being and safety of your family during outages and to safeguard those who come to your aid during emergency situations. When we work together for safety and the good of our communities, we all benefit.