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Summertime is here, along with backyard barbecues, swimming, golfing, boating and gardening. After spending time outside in the sunshine, you likely want to cool off with your favorite cold beverage as you relax in your air-conditioned home. 

Weather drives summer energy demand and electricity costs. The warmer it gets, the greater the electricity demand for cooling.

Don’t let the warm weather cause the “summertime blues” when your monthly electric bill arrives. Follow these tips from Victory Electric to reduce your electricity use and manage your energy costs this summer. 

Increase the temperature.
Consider bumping the temperature a few degrees. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recommends setting your air conditioner at the highest temperature possible for your comfort. The hotter it gets outside, the harder your A/C has to work to keep you cool. When it’s 104 degrees outside, for example, your A/C has to run longer to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature than it does when the outdoor temperature is only 84 degrees. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.

Invest in a programmable thermostat.
A smart thermostat is a great investment and a money-saving tool that can be set to automatically adjust the temperature based on your family’s routines. Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely, too.

Use ceiling fans.
Use fans to circulate the air in the rooms you’re occupying at home. They make you feel cooler, which means you can raise the thermostat a few degrees and still feel comfortable. Remember to turn them off when you leave the room, as fans cool people — not the room.

Close the shades.
To help keep your home cooler in the summer, close shades or drapes on windows that receive direct sunlight.

Watch out for “vampires.”
Many appliances continue to draw power from electrical outlets even when they are not powered on or are idle, such as gaming consoles, always-on TVs, older set-top cable boxes, PCs and other devices. You don’t need garlic to ward off these energy vampires. Simply unplug them when they aren’t in use. Consider using a smart power strip as well.

Lower your hot water heater’s temperature.
Hot water heaters consume more energy than you might expect — accounting for 14% to 18% of an average electric bill, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. If you lower your hot water heater setting from the standard 140 degrees to 120 degrees and use less hot water, you could save up to hundreds of dollars per year. 

Get personalized tips from the Energy Advisor.Burnie Watts
Victory Electric’s Energy Advisor tool, available at, securely connects to your account and makes personalized recommendations to help you save money. The more details you provide about your home, heating and cooling system, lighting, water heater, and appliances, the more personalized the tool’s analysis and recommendations. Burnie Watts is the face of our Energy Advisor. Watch for him on our social media pages for more tips to help you save energy.

Whether you prefer to spend time outdoors or relaxing in air-conditioned comfort, we hope you enjoy your summer!