Victory Electric is proud to sponsor four local high school juniors to participate in the 2021 youth tour programs. Each summer, Victory Electric sends two students to Washington, D.C., and two students to Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for two unique leadership opportunities.
CHANCE UNRUH, Ingalls, and LOGAN HUBBELL, Spearville, will travel to Washington, D.C., in June to attend the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. While in Washington, D.C., Unruh and Hubbell will join more than 1,800 youth from across the nation. Participants will visit the monuments, have breakfast on Capitol Hill with the Kansas senators, and attend several other attractions.
AUTUMN KLEIN, Dodge City, and COURTNEY BAILEY, Ingalls, will attend Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, in July.
At camp, the Kansas students will join youth from Colorado, Oklahoma and Wyoming and have the opportunity to form a mock cooperative, gain leadership skills, and learn about the cooperative industry with tours and activities.
The four winners were chosen based on their application, essays and an interview with a panel of judges.
“Victory Electric is proud to sponsor local students for youth tour,” said Jerri Whitley, Victory Electric vice president of communications. “As a cooperative, we value the seven cooperative principles and one of those principles is ‘concern for community.’ Investing in our youth is a great way for us to stay involved and provide students opportunities they may not have otherwise.”
The youth tour contest is held each fall for high school juniors. For more information on the program or how to apply, please visit our website.